In Year School Transfer
The in year transfer process has now changed. Whilst previously we may have been able to offer space to children wishing to transfer primary schools if space was available, as a voluntary controlled school, you must now apply via the Local Authority.
Before applying for an in year transfer with the Local Authority, you should contact your child's current school and discuss this move with them and then contact ourselves to ensure that the transfer is right for your child.
You can find information about the in year transfer process and how to apply using the link below:
If your transfer is successful you will be required to complete some additional forms with us and these are required before your child will be able to start school.
For further information please contact Mrs. N. Bailey (Business Support Officer) or Mrs. M. Barber (School Business Manager) on 01282 776855.
Please note these arrangements are seperate to those concerning new Reception Class starters for September 2024, please see our 'Admission Arrangements' page for this application information.